The other day Judie posted her eBay Influencer review of the Samsung GALAXY S4. It is a great look at the powerhouse S4 and it also include a way you can enter to win awesome prizes.
Now Judie has followed up with an eBay Influencer Review of the Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight. She concludes her review noting that, “Whether you are considering an eReader for use when traveling, sitting by the pool, or for pleasure reading, the Nook Simple Touch is an excellent choice.” And while that is a nice endorsement in and of itself it was her comment to me privately that she wished her Kindle were this nice that really told me she has become a fan of the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight. Judie does point out that the Nook lacks the option to get built-in 3G connectivity but since it does come with free WiFi whenever you visit a Barnes & Noble store or are near one of 24,000 AT&T hotspots nationwide, that sholdn’t be an issue for most people.
The review is a quick read and is absolutely worthwhile for anyone who might be in the market for a new eBook reader. With a price that is less than $120 and the availability to use many smartphones and tablets as “partner reading” devices, the Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight is worth a look.
And there another reason you will want to check out the Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight Review. You see, eBay is running an amazing contest that includes awesome prizes. The eBay’s My Gadgets Sweepstakes has just about two weeks left and they are giving away over $35,000 in prizes. That includes a brand new Samsung GALAXY S4, a nook and much much more! You need to enter to win and, with time running out, you’ll want to jump on it now. Click to enter.