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ContourRoam2 Action Camera Accessories Video Look

ContourRoam2 Action Camera Accessories Video Look

ContourRoam2 Action Camera

The ContourRoam2 action camera is a great way to catch life on the go. (We reviewed it here.)The small video camera is waterproof, tough, and it takes good video. Add in a few key accessories like a headband, universal mount, and a waterproof case, and it does even more.

ContourRoam2 Action Camera

The ContourRoam2 action camera impressed me when I reviewed it at the beginning of the summer. The small camera is simple to use, and it will shoot video at a number of settings.

Full HD » 1080p (1920 x 1080) @ 30/25fps
Tall HD » 960p (1280 x 960) @ 30/25fps
Action HD » 720p (1280 x 720) @ 60/50 or 30/25fps

It can even shoot 5MP stills at intervals of 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds.

I’ve used it a number of times this summer, including while zip-lining at the 2014 Toyota Tundra Preview Event, and I have been increasingly impressed with it. I like using it so much that I went on Amazon and ordered a few accessories. The first thing I noticed is that the camera is now available for under $180 through our Amazon Affiliate Portal. (Get it.) I then picked up three key accessories. Here’s a look at all three on video and then a still of each.

If you are looking to shoot action video. then you need a camera that is tough, shoots good video, and is simple to use. That pretty much describes the ContourRoam2. And while it comes ready to use right out of the box, with a few key accessories it can do even more.

ContourRoam2 Action Camera

Waterproof Case. Currently under $20. Get it.

ContourRoam2 Action Camera

A Universal Mount for $19.99. Get it.

ContourRoam2 Action Camera
A super-dorky headband mount for $49.99. It looks dumb, but it works great. Get it.

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