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5 Things I’d Rather Do Than ‘Boston Qualify’ – The Monday Mile

There are things more important than qualifying for Boston

There are things more important than qualifying for Boston

Today registration for the Boston Marathon opens. Qualifying for Boston is an aspiration or goal for most long distance runners. While some debate if it’s ‘the best’, it is the most coveted and prestigious – and hardest to get into. But there are things more important to me than getting a BQ – I’ll list five.

Naturally there are many people – thousands every year, in fact – who are fast enough to qualify for Boston. But as I have engaged the running community it seems nearly every running blog involves someone who has Boston as an eventual goal. I never really thought about it – after all I didn’t run a 5k until last year, but after seeing improvements in my pace last year as I worked harder than ever on my running, I realized that I might be able to speed up enough to qualify.

With that said, here are some of the things more important to me than qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

What about you? Are you a runner looking to qualify? Or have you hit your time but never gotten in due to overwhelming demand? What about other sports or events – are there similar things? Let us know!

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