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Lightning Strikes Blue Microphone’s Spark Digital

Lightning Strikes Blue Microphone’s Spark Digital

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I was impressed by Blue Microphone’s Spark Digital. In my review I noted that it, “the world’s first studio condenser microphone to offer both USB and iPad connectivity” does an excellent job of recording audio from both your Mac and your iPhone. I did, however, lament the fact that it only shipped with a 30-PIN Apple connector. No longer!

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Yes, as Blue Microphone shared yesterday, “Lightning Strikes! Blue Microphones Now Shipping Spark Digital with Lightning Cable for iPad, iPhone”. In short the $199.99 Spark Digital is now available with a Lightning cable. $199.99 may sound pricey but if you are looking to record good audio using an iOS device you need a good microphone. The Spark Digital is such a microphone.

As John Maier, CEO of Blue Microphones notes,

Spark Digital was first born in the pro studio, as our Spark analog microphone. Spark Digital delivers the same recording quality proven in the studios, but is now the missing link for achieving truly professional results digitally. Bridging the gap between analog quality and digital portability, Spark Digital completes the true mobile studio.


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Best of all, you can now purchase the Spark Digital with a Lightning connector. This means you won’t need to fumble and fuss with a 30-PIN to Lightning adapter the way I have been since getting the review sample.

Customers who bought the 30-pin Spark Digital after August 1, 2013 will get a Lightning cable free of charge (with proof of purchase) while customers who bought the 30-pin Spark Digital before August 1, 2013 or are without proof of purchase can get one directly from Blue for $28. To get your cable email

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