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Smartwatch Shootout, A Quick Design Overview

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2014 has definitely turned into the year of the “wearable” and the smartwatch has been leading the pack. Android Wear is on the way and Apple has yet to announce, let along release their offering. That means there’s much more to come this year. There are already some compelling options on the market and they have a range of prices.Some look like a tech-watch while others take a far more conservative approach and look like the watches of old. Appearances aren’t the only difference with some watches simply serving up simple notifications and others letting you use your phone without having to actually pull it out of your pocket.


Which smart watch is right for you? In this quick video overview we take a look at six smart watches that are currently on the market. We’ve included the:

This isn’t an in-depth review or a detailed head-to-head. It is, instead, a look at the actual design approach taken with each. After all, if you are going to get a watch that has today’s smarts it has to loo good on your wrist. Right?


Smartwatch Head-to-Head


Are you thinking about getting a smartwatch? If so, what features are most important to you? Are any of these in your future or are you waiting for the next round to be released? Let us know in the comments.

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