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CustomCover Cydia Tweak Updated for iPhone 6/6+

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One of the more popular Cydia music Tweaks has to be CustomCover. Originally a concept on DeviantArt that was turned into tweak (which has stopped receiving updates) named Snowcover for iOS 6, a developer named Chewitt brought it to life for iOS 7, and now, iOS 8. What CustomCover allows you to do is customize your Lockscreen on your iPhone.

The Settings Panel you see for CustomCover after downloading

The Settings Panel you see for CustomCover after downloading

Normally when playing music on your iPhone, you have a large square with whichever song’s cover art displayed. Why would you want to change that you ask?

When you first look at your iPhone’s Music on your lock screen, this is what you typically get:

ios8 Stock Album look on your iDevice

iOS 8 Stock Album look on your iDevice

However, after downloading and setting up CustomCover, this could be you:


The theme currently used is the “Insert” theme, but there are plenty of others including: Blank, Circle, Clean, Default and Faded.

A few options for you to use as themes.

A few options for you to use as themes.

Along with the option to theme your album art, you can also hide your controls completely, move the custom cover as well as the controls. This tweak does so much to help you customize your lock screen to your liking. If you choose, you may also customize the music apps look and theming.

Settings here will allow you to move things up/down/left/right

Settings here will allow you to move things up/down/left/right

CustomCover supports all iOS 7, as well as iOS 8 jailbroken devices (iPhone, iPad). It also supports Spotify, Pandora, and many more third-party tweaks!

You can grab the most recent beta CustomCover music tweak (1.5~Beta10) by just adding this repo to Cydia.

CustomCover is available for Free on all iOS7 & iOS8 devices from Chewitt’s Repo


What I Like: Works for third-party apps like Spotify, SoundCloud, Beats Music, etc.; Aesthetically pleasing.

What Needs Improvement: Not open source to create themes (yet); Still a Beta; Occasional Crashes; Sometimes artwork disappeared when using “CleanLock” tweak.

You can read more about the benefits of Jailbreaking your iPhone here.

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