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LucidBrake Is Donating 20% of Smart Bike Break Sales to Help Fight HIV/AIDS


LucidBrake, the creators of the first smart wireless bike brake light announced today that they will be giving 20% of all pre-order sales of their LucidBrake wireless bike break light for HIV/AIDs awareness and research.

Starting today, and finishing up in July, LucidBrake will donate 20% of every pre-order to AIDS/Lifecycle: Ride to End AIDS, the annual seven day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money and awareness of HIV/AIDS, which is held on May31st until June 6th this year.

LucidBrake Is Donating 20% of Smart Bike Break Sales To Help Fight HIV/AIDS

LucidBrake, the press-on wireless biking brake light, successfully completed their Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns earlier this year, and are now available for pre-order for the special price of $50 (which is normally $74.99). Early adopters can get the patent-pending smart brake light that promises to save lives through safer biking all while helping fight HIV/AIDS through supporting AIDS safety awareness and research.

LucidBrake Is Donating 20% of Smart Bike Break Sales To Help Fight HIV/AIDS


“I realized one day that I could make bikers safer on the road. Prevention is 100% better than healing broken bones. I have family members who ride bikes and I have family members who are gay. I care about them and want to make all families safer. What better way than giving to AIDS/Lifecycle?” said LucidBrake Inventor and Founder, John Craig, longtime author of Microsoft books.

Visible up to a ½ mile away, the LucidBrake smart ultra-bright LED brake light provides safer biking so cars, other bikers, and pedestrians can see you braking, slowing down, or stopping — even at a distance. LucidBrake detects and shows motion with 8 LEDs that blink as you move and alert solid when you stop (just like a car’s brake lights), showing the difference between slowing down and abruptly stopping with 4 beacon modes (flashing, fast flashing, solid, off) and 2 braking indicators (sudden and normal). The smart brake light detects slow and stopping motion using all 3 axes of acceleration signals (right/ left, up/down, backwards/forwards), filtering out road bumps, grades, angles, and normal cycling movements.

Usable on bikes, boats, jet skis, skateboards, wheelchairs, scooters, helmets, and even a backpack for those of you who like to walk, the LucidBrake requires no wires and no installation. Attaching with a press-on 3M fastener, it can handle all weather conditions. Including two speeds, normal and emergency, and a battery life of over a year using just two AAA batteries, the LucidBrake is a not only a great brake light, but it also supports a good cause. If you’d like to purchase one you can head over to LucidBrake’s site and grab one for you, and one for a friend.

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