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Tokyo Street View Allows You to Explore Japan from Anywhere


Have you always wanted to visit Tokyo? I have, but I haven’t made it there yet. Thanks to the new site Tokyo Street View,  I have a good idea of what I’m missing. Through a series of videos taken in and around the city, I’m being treated to an insider’s view of different iconic locations through the seasons.

My friend, Gonzague G-B, is one of the founders of the site; their goal is to have over 1000 views of Japan from the North to the South. The Tokyo Street View site is ad-free, because it is supported by viewers’ donations through Patreon. Gonzague wants to “create the world’s first video library of Japan for people across the world to visit Japan and/or prepare their travel.”

So take a minute while you’re sitting at your desk to check out some of the beautiful locations in Tokyo and the surrounding areas, and daydream about what you could be doing if you were in Japan right now. If you like what you see, throw a couple of dollars their way, either as a one-time show of support, or you can sign up to donate as little as $1 on a per video basis.

Tokyo Street View

Unlike other videos you may find on Japan, TokyoStreetView videos are purely contemplative where our camera(s) are your eyes, our tripod your chair. Just sit with us, relax and let an amazing world unfold in front of you in a succession of short ~10 seconds sequences of RAW videos of Japan.

Check out Tokyo Street View, and let me know what you think.

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