Cool Sites

Want to Win a One-of-a-Kind $10,000 set of 18K Loop Bling Earplugs? Check This Out!

Today is World Hearing Day, and Loop Earplugs has an amazing giveaway to celebrate the event and raise awareness for hearing loss. They desire to open a conversation about the conception that earplugs are boring and ugly. To that end, they’ve created Loop Bling, a one-of-a-kind set of earplugs made of 18K gold, set with 120 diamonds, and valued at $10,000. The best part? You can win them!

This Instagrammer Is Bringing Art to Life in Quarantine

Are you bored in lockdown? Of course you are! We’re all getting sick of staring at our four walls. Some of us are using quarantine a bit more productively than others, though. Just look at the amazing art reproductions being done on Instagram by performer and pinup model, Miss Anne Mary!

Indigo Books Arrives in America, and We’re Impressed!

Indigo is a huge Canadian bookstore chain, and they’ve opened their first United States location in Short Hills, NJ. It happens to be right by where I work, so I swung by on my way home today to check it out…and, well, Indigo is best described as an experience, not a store.

Popular Deal Website FatWallet Closing 10/9/2017

Popular online deal website FatWallet has formally announced Monday, October 9, 2017, as the site’s last day.  FatWallet was one of the earliest online forums where members shared tips on deals, discounts and often leaked advance copies of Black Friday sales circulars.

How Common Is YOUR Surname?

I have an unusual last name. Now, lots of people have last names that are unique, or hard to spell, but I doubt many people have the same claim to fame that my last name has … which is that there’s a 0.000004371% chance of someone in the United States has the same last name as me.

Decluttr Turned My Crap into (a Little Bit of) Cash!

We’ve lived in our house for 3 1/2 years, so we figured it was high time we dealt with all the miscellaneous boxes that landed in our attic. Old clothes, baby items we don’t use anymore, the soundtrack to the TV show “Charmed”, and many other random items were all living up there. We made piles of “keep” and “give away”, and things were going well until we hit the DVDs. Luckily, a quick Google search led me to Decluttr, which saved the day!

Best Buy Caters to the Geek Crowd with a Wedding Registry!

The first thing most people do when they get a wedding invitation (besides RSVPing) is checking the couple’s registry. Are they looking for household items? Maybe new appliances? Those are the usual items, but Best Buy thinks there’s more to it, and is now offering a wedding registry service!

Tokyo Street View Allows You to Explore Japan from Anywhere

Have you always wanted to visit Tokyo? I have, but I haven’t made it there yet. Thanks to the new site Tokyo Street View,  I have a good idea of what I’m missing. Through a series of videos taken in and around the city, I’m being treated to an insider’s view of different iconic locations through the seasons.

Domino’s Introduces Ordering from Your Samsung Smart TV

There’s one thing that I think might be the greatest invention ever: Pizza. Everyone has their favorites, but mine is Domino’s. That crust with the seasoning, the green peppers; the pepperoni; the chicken … I probably could beat Dale Lamoureux in a box folding contest! So I was excited to learn that Domino’s has launched ordering from Samsung Smart TV’s!

GrooveOtter Might Help You Get Things Done

Working from home I often find myself not wanting to take a break sometimes; with all the comforts of home it can be hard to realize how hard I am working. Recently, I came across GrooveOtter, which is purportedly an app that will help you get things done and not feel exhausted. Well, it’s not an app; it’s a website.

Stuffbak Reminds Me What Life Was Like in 2006

This morning I woke up to an email from Stuffbak. If you’ve never heard of them, they were a company that was quite popular in the Palm/Windows Mobile dominant mid-2000’s, and their pitch was fairly simple: they’d send you a label with an 800 number and serial number to stick on your valuable electronics. This way if they were lost or misplaced, a good samaritan could call the number, Stuffbak would arrange shipping to return the item to the owner, and the finder received a $20 reward from Stuffbak (and the owner could increase that at their discretion). It was…

Detail Bags Creates Custom Solutions for Company Bag Branding

I don’t know how many times I have wished that I could create a laptop bag from my own specifications — one that would have the layout and organizational panels I needed (or wanted), and that would be made from the materials of my choosing; having a discreet Gear Diary logo on there somewhere would be a bonus. But I’m just one person, and the cost for me having something like that custom-made would be exorbitant … never mind the fact that I wouldn’t even know where to start. But if a company wanted to offer a bag that was specifically…

Enervee Takes Comparison Shopping to a New, Energy Conscious Level

There are a million ways to shop by price online. You can sort lowest to highest, seek sale items, look for free shipping, and head to sites like eBay to try to get a better deal. There’s also plenty of places that will tell you how eco-friendly a device is, or will be over its lifetime. Enervee is looking to combine those metrics into one website that gives you a price, features, and environmental impact breakdown on major household appliances, so you can see what the true price of an item will be over its lifetime and whether you need…

Lifehacker’s ‘Top 10 Awesome MacGyver Tricks that Speak for Themselves’ Is Awesome

I love to find tips and tricks that make my life easier, and that’s why a recent post on Lifehacker caught my eye … the title might have had something to do with it, too, as I do love MacGuyer-esque fixes. 😉 Three of my favorites include how you can: Make Perfect Pancakes with a Squeeze Bottle Yes, this one is pretty self-explanatory! Whip up the pancake mix, use a funnel to put it in a large squeeze-bottle, and then make perfectly round pancakes. The best part is that if you don’t use all of the mix, the container can…

Reader Rocket Aims to Easily Compare eBook Readers

Despite many predictions to the contrary, eBook readers are still going strong. They may not be as flashy as tablets, but they are great devices with long battery lives, clear readable screens, and lightweight both in size and on your wallet. Most people tend to pick an eBook reader based on their bookstore preferences, what their friends and family use, and similar criteria. But if you’re the type looking for lots of statistics and specifications to compare and contrast, it can be tougher to find truly technical reviews of eBook readers. That’s where Reader Rocket, a newly launched site, thinks…

Genius Takes the Guesswork out of Deciphering Lyrics

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard either the NSFW or the terrestrial-radio-friendly clean version of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’s hit song, Thrift Shop. But unless you’ve got a finely tuned rap vocabulary, there are probably some lyrics in that song (and every other rap song, for that matter) that have left you scratching your head.

MightyMega Launches to Share All the Best in Sci Fi and Geekery

I am a self-professed sci-fi geek. Sarah is … not. She tries for my sake to be supportive of my favorite shows, but she just doesn’t understand it. And there have been many road trips where I’ve droned on and on about Battlestar Galactica or Star Trek, and Sarah has nearly driven off the road in frustration and boredom. So I need an outlet for all my geekery. Luckily for me, MightyMega has launched as a repository of all things awesome and sci-fi on the Internet! MightyMega is from the same folks that bring you The Awesomer and Technabob, so…

Pique your [P]Interest

Did you know that if you run out of AA batteries, you can use AAA ones and fill the gap with foil?  Did you know adding baking powder into your baby’s bath can help relieve diaper rash?  Do you want to learn how to make homemade gel ice packs?  Do you want a recipe for garlic cheese bread?  Do you enjoy looking at cute pictures of fluffy animals?  Are you interested in learning how to make an eternity scarf?  These are just a few things that Pinterest has to offer. Pinterest is like Facebook, Twitter, and Evernote all in one…

American Express and Walmart Team Up to Create Bluebird

????? ‘Tis The Season to Spend Money, fah lah lah lah, lah lah lah lah… ????? What could be better than an entire season dedicated to separating you from your money? I’m kidding but still, this is the season when money seems to flow more heavily than usual. Having a safe, convenient and secure way to spend can be a huge help. It turns out that American Express and Walmart have teamed up to offer a way to do just that – Bluebird. Bluebird lets you make direct deposits, pay bills online, deposit checks with your iPhone or Android device,…