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Breathe Cleaner Air in Your Home with the Emerald Air


If you’d like to get a better understanding of the elements within your home that you can’t see with the naked eye, you should be checking out the Emerald Air System.


Sponsored by an Indiegogo campaign, the Emerald Air is the first air purifying system that monitors your home for the little things such as airborne pollutants, all while identifying the pollutants and filtering them out with their patented Airadicate purifying technology.


The ability to place the Emerald Air Sensors in any room (up to eight rooms), the Emerald Air has arrived just in time for the spring with allergy season in full swing. Being able to see what’s in the air you’re breathing gives you a better understanding of all of the hazardous substances, molds and allergens in the air, and on the things in your home. Can you imagine being able to see all of the harmful substances released in an air-conditioning system? Well now you can!


Courtesy of a mobile app for iOS and soon for Android, the Emerald Air System will give the user data in real-time so you can get a detailed view of any room’s pollution rating. Air quality is important, and can cause things you would never think, such as headaches and overall discomfort while sleeping. Being able to track 24 hours, you can make a quick check of your air quality from work, home, or while away. If the air quality is good, you’ll receive a green notification, but if it’s poor, a red light will indicate it.

Equipped with three independent filters (preliminary, HEPA and carbon), these combine to clean the air of not only allergens and pollutants, but the Emerald Air System also can filter odors, smoke, VOC and even particulate matters. Courtesy of a special UV LED light, you can actually kill airborne viruses and bacteria, all from the Emerald Air, which is small enough to sit on your nightstand, or on your kitchen counter.

With a goal of $30,000, this is a great product to back that will make up for its donation in helping you see exactly what you’re breathing while making your home less polluted.

For more information head over to the campaign today!

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