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Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant


The people behind Brilliant Control asked a simple question: “Are you tired of digging for your mobile phone every time you want to adjust your smart lighting, music, or climate systems?” That’s obviously a rhetorical question, and their answer is one that is poised to take the exploding smart home market by storm.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

The people behind the Brilliant Control were sick and tired of needing their smartphone to adjust lights, play music and do any number of the things that smartphones are now able to do. As they explain, “That’s why we built the Brilliant Control. It replaces an existing light switch to give you and your family easy access to lighting and other smart home products like Sonos, Nest, and more. No mobile app required! Just use touch or voice as soon as you enter the room.”

That simple answer explains the idea behind this new smart home accessory that will hit the shelves in late 2017. (To be accurate it is more like four smart home accessories that are all based on the same design and functionality. More on that in a moment.)

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

I’m getting ahead of myself though so let me step back. This year is the 100th anniversary of the light switch. In all that time the switch you find in numerous places throughout your home hasn’t changed all that much. Sure, you can get Decora switches that look sleeker, and you can get dimmer switches but, for the most part, a switch is a switch is a switch. The explosion of smart home technology has prompted the need for someone to rethink this ubiquitous device. After all, when you have a smart light or a smart fan, a dumb switch just doesn’t cover it. And while you can use your phone or tablet to control your smart devices, or you can use Amazon’s Alexa to control it by voice, neither of those options is as simple as the good old-fashioned action of flipping a switch. Smart home accessories makers have tried to jump into the mix. For example, I have a Phillips Hue switch in the bedroom so Raina doesn’t have to complain about having to always speak to Alexa to turn on the bedroom lights, and I am reviewing the Logitech Pop switch, but those are somewhat limited in what they can do. Enter Brilliant Control.

The CEO of Brilliant Control was renovating his home and couldn’t find a seamless way to interact with the smart home features he was baking into the residence. He didn’t want to rely on his phone all the time for control, and he didn’t want the hit or miss of depending on voice control. So he decided to create a device that replaces the wall switch and, in its place, puts a smart touchscreen with a microphone, a speaker, a touch screen and Alexa’s smarts. He opted to replace switches rather than have a standalone accessory such as the switch Philips offers for the Hue because the space is already there in the home and, along with it, comes power. That means there are no batteries to replace or charge and the placement of the switch has already been determined as the right place for a control when you enter or leave a space.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

The result was the Brilliant Control. It is a smart switch that can be installed in just five to ten minutes. By swapping out your existing for one of these new smart switches you get smart lighting with voice and motion control and much more. The smart lighting control itself can save 5-18% on lighting costs while giving you a new level of control over the lighting in your room. For example, by just swiping a finger up or down on the touch screen you can turn lights on or off, or you can adjust the brightness.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

As noted, however, that is just the beginning. The Brilliant Control also gives you control over a bevy of smart home devices. For example, using the touchscreen device that is now in place of your old dumb switch, you can control your Sonos music system, adjust your Nest thermostat and more. You don’t need a mobile app or a phone or tablet because all of the functionality that was once the domain of your mobile device is now sitting nicely on the wall where your switch used to live.

And there’s more.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

Brilliant Control also has Amazon Alexa baked into it. That means any room with a Brilliant Control is now ready for you to ask for news, sports, and weather. Hell, you can also use the Alexa feature to “Tell me a joke…” but I warn you… Alexa’s jokes are dumb!

And there’s more.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

In addition to a touch screen and a microphone/speaker for use with Alexa services, Brilliant Control also has a video camera. That means any two rooms with Brilliant Control now also have a video intercom system. Those of you who are worried about privacy need not fear … each camera also has a physical privacy cover that can be used to block the video feed from any Brilliant Control.

And there’s more.

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

The brilliant brains behind the Brilliant Control understand that not all switches are single switches and that not all walls are white. That’s why Brilliant Control will come in multiple colors and are available to replace single, double, triple or even quadruple switch configurations.

Features include:

The system requires a 120 Volt single switch gang box, wired to code with load, line, ground, and neutral wires correctly wired (this is what is on the wall behind a standard single light switch.) It also requires WiFi connectivity for the initial setup and for connecting to other smart home devices. It is worth noting, however, that Brilliant Controls will control lights without WiFi.


Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant

The entire concept is new, so I thought it might be helpful to include the company’s Q and A here in this news post. It will help you better understand what they are out to do.

The Brilliant Control is available for pre-order, and there is a limited time discount of $50 per switch for the first 1000 customers. Pricing looks like this:

Brilliant Control Finally Makes Your Smart Home Brilliant


You can learn more here.

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