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PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

You may be following my experience with the PicoBrew Pico; if so, then you know that I was able to brew beer on the countertop of my kitchen without much trouble. I’ll have an update on my homebrewing adventures soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to share news on the PicoBrew Pico Model C, new on Kickstarter today.

If you’re an early backer, you can get a PicoBrew Pico Model C for as low as $279, versus the $799 it takes to purchase the stainless steel PicoBrew Pico setup.


PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

We’ve spent a significant amount of time listening to our customers who were early adopters of the initial Pico to identify areas where we could streamline and simplify the use of the appliance even further. By making improvements to our hardware with a sleeker design and easier-to-use and clean brewing keg, and by offering a more accessible price point, brewing fresh craft beer at home can be a reality for an even larger number of craft beer enthusiasts. We are excited to offer incentives through our Kickstarter campaign that will allow the earliest backers to secure their own Pico Model C for more than 50% off the retail price, with plenty of other enticing add-ons to choose from. – Dr. Bill Mitchell, CEO, PicoBrew

PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

The PicoBrew Pico Model C features a black powder-coated exterior and a two-line high-contrast OLED display. It can brew existing PicoPaks and Freestyle PicoPaks in about two hours, and it has an “easier-to-use, dishwasher-safe Pico C Keg with a simplified hose connection.” Most importantly, it is much more affordable than the PicoBrew Pico.

The PicoBrew Pico Model C kit will include the brewing appliance, a Pico C brewing keg, and a 5L (~1.3 gallons) serving keg, and it will retail for $549 when it is sold in stores (~Fall 2017). You can buy PicoPaks and the CO2 carbonation kit separately.

You can jump into the Kickstarter campaign at any time until May 12th, but since there will only be 500 Pico Model C kits available at $279, you might want to check it out sooner rather than later. You’ll also have the option of adding on other items like additional kegs or special PicoPaks at that time.

Also worth noting is that fact that there are two other announcements that will make current Pico and future PicoBrew Pico Model C device owners very happy.

First is BrewPulse, the new Android or iOS mobile app that will “help manage and control your craft beer life. Purchase PicoPaks through the BrewMarketplace, monitor the progress of your brewing cycle in real-time, and now track fermentation and carbonation progress to achieve your finished beer.” I’ll be taking advantage of this app with the next PicoPak I brew. 🙂

PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

The other new feature is BrewUnlimited, which is a PicoPak subscription service; for $59 per month (which includes shipping), you can brew as many PicoPaks as you’d like per month. The small print reads that “customers are limited to two unbrewed PicoPaks at any time during their subscription, but as soon as they brew may reorder any PicoPak including the new design-them-yourself FreeStyle PicoPaks.” There will also be a limited-time Kickstarter incentive where home brewers can get two months of BrewUnlimited for $100. This is a cool option for people who have bought several serving kegs; those of us who like to have more than just a couple different brew options on hand for ourselves and our friends.

PicoBrew Pico Model C: Everything That You Like about the PicoBrew Pico for a Bit Less

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed using the PicoBrew Pico; the PicoBrew Pico Model C looks like a great option so that everyone can enjoy making quality homebrew easily.

You can learn more here.

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