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UBTech’s MeeBot 2.0 Dances Its Way into Apple Stores


UBTech makes a huge variety of codable robots that teach kids all about STEM in a fun and exciting way. Their latest is the MeeBot 2.0, an exclusive with Apple Stores complete with LED lights and even dance moves!

UBTech's MeeBot 2.0 Dances Its Way into Apple Stores

Check out MeeBot in action, he has better dance moves than I do  — seriously, enroll this dude in a breakdancing competition, stat!

JIMU ROBOT | Meebot 2.0

Like all Jimu robots, there’s a companion app that shows you how to assemble the robot, then you can use the app to code MeeBot’s actions and make his eyes fun colors to entertain and creep out your friends and family. There are tons of combos and ways to make MeeBot party, and since it’s teaching kids to code at the same time it’s like sneaky education!

MeeBot 2.0 is an Apple Store exclusive, and it retails for $129.99.

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