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Dear Gear Diary: Windows Marketplace Issues


Dear Gear Diary: Windows Marketplace Issues

I received this email from a Gear Diary reader, and unfortunately, I don’t currently have a Windows Mobile phone. If anyone can help him out, please offer suggestions in the comments!

Hi Carly,
I always check out your posts on Gear Diary and find your perspective refreshing and honest. Since you are so involved with researching different techie toys and have a lot more background information than I, I was wondering if with your post on Mobile 6.0-6.1 Marketplace, if you found or encountered stories of this not loading and allowing one to buy apps. I have a T-Mobile Wing (antique I know) and I have had no success loading and trying to operate Marketplace for Mobile 6.0-6.1. I have tried a number of different loads with no success! Very Frustrating! Any tidbit would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

Ok, Windows Mobile experts…start brainstorming!

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