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HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

I started checking out this game searching for my Blue Plate Special app and was not sure if it could make the grade, but after a few minutes of playing I started getting hooked and found myself trying to beat more and more levels. HellOut!-Volcano Adventure reinforces my theory that simple, fun game play along with easy controls makes for an enjoyable IOS playing experience. Let’s take a look.

HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

The idea of this game is quite simple, but conquering it has proven to be another story. Your job is to guide a small dragon up to the top of the volcano safely. Sounds like an easy task, but time, fire and enemies will make it tough to say the least. The little dragon begins with the ability to simply jump. Tilt the device to direct where he is jumping to ensure he lands on the platforms and continues his advance upward. The first level is a race with rising lava that will end your quest if you touch. All levels also have a time limit along with all of the enemies and fire so move quickly. I have found that barely reaching a platform at the top of your jump will propel the dragon higher and faster then landing and bouncing.

HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

With each level conquered, a new one is unlocked along with a special power being learned by the dragon. Each skill is explained on a screen with the bouncing dragon and can be tested before starting the next level. Each of the powers are displayed at the bottom of the screen. To use that skill, simply tap and a fire ball will circle the icon indicating which is being utilized. Only one skill can be used at a time so choose wisely and be prepared to change to another if needed. My favorite is the double jump since it keeps the dragon moving quicker through the levels. Some of the skills will require you to aim and perform various screen taps. These make the game more interesting as well as challenging.

HellOut!-Volcano Adventures for iPhone/Touch

Do not let the cute nature and simple game play of this game fool you, it is actually quit challenging. Each level can be played on three difficulties. I still have to play the Easy setting in order to have a chance. I am finding myself improving with the game slowly and wanting to find out which skill is next and what kind of boss I will have to defeat. The game develops difficulty along with tasks at a great pace assuring new fun at each level and never monotonous game play. HellOut!-Volcano Adventures is fun and addictive and can be found right now for FREE right here in the app store. Go check it out and start bouncing the dragon out of the volcano.

What I like: Fun and challenging game that gets creatively more difficult as it progresses.

What could be improved: I would like to see scores more of a factor along with Gamecenter integration.

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