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Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

I am both a fan and historian of weaponry and aircraft. One of the meanest flying machines available in combat is the AC-130 Gunship. The AC-130 is often used to support ground troops and convoys. A 140mm M102 cannon, a Bofors 40mm autocannon and a 25mm GAU-12 Equalizer packs quit the punch. The firepower brought by the gunship is known to be feared and respected in combat. Lucky for us, the AC-130 is being used to help survivors of the zombie apocalypse escape impending doom.

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

The entire game is spent at the helm of the three powerful weapons of the AC-130 as the gunship slowly circles the area where survivors are desperately running for safety of a base. Your job is to protect the civilians as well as eliminate as many zombies as possible keeping them from overrunning the base. You begin with the 25mm Gatling gun. Each gun will provide a different view of the field according to its range and power.

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

As the gunship circles, move the view by simply swiping the screen. I had better luck using my index finger to guide my cannon sight. The red fire button on the left side will send the bullets flying. The weapon in use is highlighted in the top right of the screen and tapping this area will switch to each one. The WHOT indicates white hot for the night vision. Good guys are in white in this view. Switching to BHOT reverses the colors providing an alternate view. The top left is the score board. The running man is survivors saved, next is zombies killed and the skull represents civilians killed. Be careful, killing 3 civilians or letting zombies into the base will end the game. Each zombie kill will bring a bounty that is used to upgrade each weapon and add extras. The longer you play, the more zombies and monsters come. Upgraded weapons will be a must!

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

The 25mm Gatling gun is perfect for close quarter zombie blasting and can even be used to snipe zombies when they are attacking survivors. Shooting in short bursts is best since the weapon will over heat and pause firing for a bit. The 25mm is also best to use against the huge monster zombies that will attack later in the game. The view is up close and personal providing an easier aim to shooting zombies that are threatening escaping civilians.

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

The 40mm Bofors gun provides some extended range and a much larger kill radius. After some practice, large groups of zombies can be taken out with a single bullet. It is also possible to shoot between two zombies taking both of them out. There are 5 cartridges in each magazine, then the weapon must be reloaded. Make sure you upgrade reload times as soon as possible to allow for more continuous firing.

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

The 105mm howitzer provides maximum range and huge kill radius. It will seem like dropping a bomb on huge groups of zombies. My record kill with a single shot is 24 zombies. Be careful where you fire this weapon, since its huge impact creates a friendly fire danger. The howitzer has one shot before needing to reload, so choose fire times carefully. Upgraded reload times are essential for this weapon also.

Zombie Gunship for iPhone/Touch

Zombie Gunship provides simple game play along with simple graphics to provide a great gaming experience. Being able to man the weapons of a AC-130 along with blasting zombies make this one a no brainer. As the game advances, the number and frequency of zombies increases slowly raising the difficulty level and keeping the game fresh and fun. Zombie Gunship will set you back $.99 and can be downloaded here in the iTunes store.

What I like: Cool night vision graphics and blasting zombies with one of the best defense systems we have.

What could be improved: I hope to see some updates to add some extra enemies and maps to fight on.

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