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Classic RPGs Wizardry VI, VII and 8 Come to!

Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8

When you look back at many of the classic moments and structures in gaming, the name Wizardry comes up all the time. It is the basis of all western RPGs from Ultima to Mass Effect, and its impact in Japan was key in the development of the Final Fantasy franchise. In short, all RPG roads lead to Wizardry. Now has updated these classics (Wizardry VI came out in 1990, Wizardry VII in 1992, remade for Windows in 1996, and Wizardry 8 arrived in 2001)

Here are some details on Wizardry VI and VII:
– Includes Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge and Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant which also comes as the improved Wizardry Gold on top of the classic DOS version.
– Both Wizardry games offer classic hard-core turn-based role-playing with 14 ranked professions and 11 unique races.
– Tons and tons of treasure to find, elaborate dungeons to explore, tough tactical battles to win, and that’s just the start of the adventure of up to 500 hours of playtime.

These games are some of the most massive, well written, detailed, and HARD games ever created – and much of it stems from legendary game designer D.W. Bradley. Bradley’s masterwork is clearly Wizardry VII, and sadly at this point his legacy rests as much with the awful Dungeon Lords as with these gems.

Here are some details on Wizardry 8:
– Continue the adventure with the group of adventurers that braved through Wizardry 7, or create a new custom party from a plethora of races and classes.
– Choose a custom personality for each character and hear them speak over 100 lines of dialogue. Kindly or chaotic, burly or surly – how your characters act is completely up to you.
– Talk with intelligent characters who react to how you treat them and become your allies or enemies in your quest of 200 hours of gameplay or more.

Wizardry 8 is a sad tale of a game that struggled due to lack of publisher support. It was eventually released on a limited basis and slowly built a following. It is a great and epic conclusion to the franchise (though not a finale) and really didn’t deserve to come out with a whimper. Of this whole set, I would definitely recommend grabbing Wizardry 8 – it is rare, hard to get installed and running correctly (I haven’t played in more than 5 years due to issues getting my copy to either install or run on various laptops) … so now that has cleaned up those issues this gem deserves to get even wider recognition!

Head to and grab the Wizardry VI and VII bundle for #5.99 and Wizardry 8 for $9.99! You might lose the weekend … but you won’t regret it!

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