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Grilled Cheesus and the Ecumenical Guide to Grilled Cheese

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Grilled Cheesus and the Ecumenical Guide to Grilled Cheese

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Judie and I recently got pitched to cover the Grilled Cheesus. Yes, it is exactly what is sounds like — a grilled cheese gadget that makes “grilled cheese sandwiches easier and tastier — and more divine”. It is a real product that costs $39.95. We got to thinking, what would other faith-based grilled cheesers look like? Let’s take a look.


But first, a bit more about the Grilled Cheesus. Their press release says it is “the perfect kitchen appliance for families of faith, the Grilled Cheesus toasts the face of Jesus onto sandwich bread. It’s a great way to inspire your family at the dining room table, children in the lunchroom, or the congregation at your church coffee hour. However you slice it, the Grilled Cheesus lets you bring little grilled miracles to mealtime, snack time or anytime.”


If toasted Jesus isn’t your thing, you could try …


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The Polytheist Grilled Cheese maker produces a dozen small grilled cheese sandwiches at once. “After all”, says the developer of this gadget, “there are almost as many gods as there are types of cheese. We don’t believe in selecting just one!”

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Then there is the Jewish Grilled Cheese maker. This device presents you with a plate of crumbs and residual oil. “Here’s the thing,” says its inventor, “In the Torah God tells Moses he cannot see his face, but [he] will be able to see his shadow and all that remains after God has passed. That’s what this grilled cheese maker does. In addition, with Thanksgiving and Hanukkah falling at the same time this year, a plate of oil drippings makes sense. Judaism is, after all, as much about our historical experience as it is divinity.”

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It is worth noting that there is no Grilled Cheese Machine for Atheists. “We entirely reject,” says our source, “the notion of grilled cheese. It might seem like a good thing for parents to give their kids because they need to feed them SOMETHING, but at some point everyone needs to come to terms with the fact that grilled cheese contains little more than empty calories and false nutritional promises. We can do better than that for ourselves and our children!”

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