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Titanfall Appears to Be Headed Towards Limited Public Alpha Testing on Xbox One


TitanfallRevealI woke up to a very exciting email this morning, as it appears that Respawn and EA are opening up the highly anticipated Titanfall to a limited public Alpha test on the Xbox One console.  The email invited me to apply to Alpha test Titanfall using my EA Origin account.  You can apply for the Alpha yourself at Titanfall’s website.

The timing of this Alpha test is a bit suspect due to the fact that we’re already less than two months from release, so this must be a way to test the online multiplayer functionality of the game outside of Respawn’s offices.  The content of the game is already locked, so I’m sure Respawn and EA are going to use this test to squash any bugs that may plague the game on launch day.  I also have my suspicions that since Microsoft is so heavily invested in Titanfall, they may have pressured EA to make sure that Titanfall does not have any issues that even slightly resemble EA’s Battlefield 4 launch fiasco.

Of course when applying to Alpha test, I had to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) form, so I will not be able to follow up on this post to let you guys know whether I was chosen or not.  I will also not be able to share any of my experiences in the Alpha test if chosen, whether it be verbally or photos or videos.  I do, however, plan to write a full review of the game after it hits the market on March 11th.

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