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Synthetik Park’s Wall Aquarium Is Eye-Level Gorgeous


Synthetik Park's Wall Aquarium Is Eye-Level Gorgeous

Watch how my thought process goes …

1. We have a Beta fish named Brad; he lives in a goldfish bowl that sits on our credenza, and every chance she gets, our cat Avah likes to drink water from his bowl. She’s not trying to eat Brad, or at least we haven’t seen her try, but she seems to love his fish flavored water. This bothers me, because she has been known to lap his water down to less than half a bowl when we have been away.

2. In order to really see Brad I have to bend down, because the credenza is counter level and not eye level. This means I don’t enjoy his fiery colors nearly as often as I would like to.

Those are two of the arguments I’m using to justify purchasing the Synthetik Park Wall Aquarium. Pretty convincing reasons, right?

I know that it seems kind of silly to spend between $100 and $200 on a new home for a $3 fish, but … these aquariums are wall art, and they will solve all of Brad’s problems!

The wall aquarium is available in two sizes – 30cm and 50cm. We build them by hand from unbreakable acrylic glass. Your wall aquarium stands out not only by design, the sophisticated technology makes your wall aquarium unique.

Synthetik Park's Wall Aquarium Is Eye-Level Gorgeous

Evidently these wall aquariums can filter the water without wires or electricity because Synthetik Park uses a liquid Oxygen process that they have perfected.

Synthetik Park's Wall Aquarium Is Eye-Level Gorgeous

Wall aquariums are available in either  a 30 or 50 cm size; prices are € 79 and € 150 respectively. I’m seriously thinking about the 30cm; I think that Brad will thank me for it. 😉

Synthetik Park Wall Aquariums

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