BlackBerry Pearl user describes the Storm upgrade experience


Thinking about buying a BlackBerry Storm? My sister Lynn recently traded in her BlackBerry Pearl for a Storm. I asked if she’d give her un-filtered feedback for those of our readers who might be in a similar situation:

Well, after much deliberation, I decided to give the Storm a try. I have had the Pearl for almost a year and the keyboard was driving me crazy. Although I was getting used to it, I was envious of how quickly my kids could text and be onto their 3rd message before I’m done with my 1st. Don’t get me wrong—I liked the Pearl a lot—it just took some getting used to. Also, I found my Pearl freezing up frequently the last month or two.So, against Wayne’s better advice, I tried the Storm.
This one takes even more to get used to than the Pearl.

I am probably not using it to it’s full potential but just as I would have my Pearl. I like it. I have been frustrated a couple of times, though, but am chalking it up to the learning curve.

The clicking screen is pretty cool—I must say. The keyboard can be just like the Pearls if you hold it upright—(don’t know what it’s called Wayne you can fit it in here but it finishes the word for you). If you hold the Storm sideways, it lets you use a full keyboard.

Initially I was convinced I had to put my fingers on a diet the first week—you have to be squarely over the letter or it will detect the letter next to the one you want.

If you type a word that does not make sense and are just one letter off, the Storm highlights the word and tries to change it to the right word for you. Tap on the screen elsewhere if you want to keep the weird word otherwise it automatically changes to the new word.

I’m getting faster at the keyboard but don’t think I’m a lot faster at it than I was at the Pearl.


When choosing what to do with your email/text or anything you are doing on the screen, again, the options open and you must have a steady hand and thin finger.

Frequently I try to click on send but hit “save draft” instead which frustrates me. Again—takes getting used to.

Internet is pretty clear and nice. It comes up VERY small but just keep clicking on the screen and it will zoom in to the size you need.


Then, just like the iPhone, you just slide the content around the screen with your finger. I have run into frustrations with it when trying to click on something on the page (like to enter my zip code for weather on the Weather Channel page) to enter info or a highlighted story I want to read on a news page.

If your finger is wiggling in the least little bit, it will just zoom in on the page again. Just wastes time. But, I do like the upgraded larger screen from the Pearl.

Another thing I’m not used to is closing all of the applications. I never had to do that (or knew I had to do) with the Pearl. Changing applications really slows the Storm down if you don’t close them and leave a bunch open.

One thing that is much easier on the Storm are the ringtones. It took me a long time to find the different ringtones on the Pearl. And if a lot of time went by and I wanted to change them again, it took me just as long to find where I found them the first time.

On the Storm it’s much improved. Click on the speaker on the main screen and all of the options come up. Very easy.

Not used to the single ring and then long pause though. I usually pick up fairly quickly but this phone rings once and then pauses from ringing for probably 5 seconds or so and then continues to ring. I don’t like that. I’d rather it continuously ring from the start so I don’t let those 5 seconds go by after the first one and I start thinking “was that my phone??” so then I end up missing the call because I let that time go by instead of looking for it.

After this much too windy report—I’d say I’m slightly disappointed.


I am excited enough by the improvements that I am not inclined to go back to the Pearl and hopeful that things will come quicker to me and my fingers will be slightly more careful.

I would have jumped in and bought the iPhone like Wayne keeps telling me to—but where we live, we really only get Verizon reliably. If living in an area which both were an option—I’d recommend looking at the iPhone.

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About the Author

Wayne Schulz
Wayne is a diehard Android user and consultant specializing in Sage 100 ERP Accounting Software. He lives in Glastonbury CT with his two children. When not helping them with their homework or pushing the latest school fundraiser off on his co-workers, he is active hiking and investigating all manner of technology.

4 Comments on "BlackBerry Pearl user describes the Storm upgrade experience"

  1. Thanks Lynn — I hadn't heard a lot of feedback of slowdowns when multiple applications are open. It's also worth noting that the browser shot is probably of a mobile page that Geardiary served and I'm pretty sure there's a way to get the Storm to present you a regular graphical page.

  2. Yes, that's our faster-loading mobile browser edition. At the bottom of that page is a link to display the regular full graphics version. 🙂

  3. Wondered about that. Thanks for the info. Not nearly as computer savy as my big bro.

  4. Great Job! Very realistic types of experiences… Wayne, think you ought to give Sis a loaner once in awhile.. 😉

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