Applications like Prism and Fluid make it possible to create site-specific applications allowing “users [to] split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. Prism lets users add their favorite web apps to their desktop environment When invoked, these applications run in their own window…” [from Prism landing page]
It is a great way to have a direct line to some most-used sites without having to deal with the entire browsing experience. They work well and are free. Unfortunately, for many of us it can quickly mean having five, ten or twenty “site-specific” applications. It becomes a bit of a mess. That’s where Monitor, a little, free application comes in rather handy.
Monitor largely does the same thing as Prism and Fluid by splitting off some of your favorite websites from the rest of your browsing. It is, however, much more powerful and, in my opinion, convenient. The most obvious difference is that Monitor handles a number of sites at one time. It also gives you a quick way to grab notes, bookmark and more. Here’s a quick overview…
This video created with Telestream’s ScreenFlow