If you have spent any time on a project team in a corporation of any size, you have likely used tools such as decision analysis (or DA in Kepner-Tregoe speak), fault-tree, DMAIC, and so on … now you can apply some of those tools to figuring out whether to eat that cupcake that just fell on the floor.
Of course, those of you with kids, pets or both know that there are multiple dynamics involved – more than are captured on this diagram, so that perhaps using a PPA (Potential Problem Analysis) or doing a ‘5 Whys’ exercise or filling out an Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram for analysis might be necessary … or you could just let the dog enjoy that cupcake …
Source: SFWeekly via Neatorama
this is going to make my life SOOO much easier: http://bit.ly/bPuoDx
Psst, @cindypon http://www.geardiary.com/2010/04/15/the-5-second-rule-meets-corporate-decision-analysis/