In June of last year we reviewed Sir Lancelot’s Armor. (Read it.) “The Holy Grail“, it is the first line of reusable screen protectors that are made from tempered bulletproof glass. With a rank of #9 on the Mohs scale of hardness — only a diamond ranks higher- it promises to keep your screen safe. And it is reusable.
The company uses a proprietary glass blend that is optimized for strength, clarity and usability. As the company notes, “the Holy Grail line is only screen protector on the market that is 100% bubble-proof, remarkably easy to apply, and reusable”. The easy installation process happens thanks to the design that only has adhesive at the top, bottom and very side edges of the screen protector. To install you simply dropped the glass onto the surface of your mobile device and you’re done. Then, if it’s not aligned properly, you can simply use a fingernail to remove and reapply. It took me a few tries when I did it. Were I using other products the failed attempts would have been costly.
The Holy Grail screen protectors are available for Apple (iPhone, iPads and Minis), as well as some LG and Samsung smartphones.
Not convinced? Check out this video.
The Holy Grail of Protection
Depending on the phone or tablet model Sir Lancelot’s Armor, The Holy Grail of screen protectors, are $30.99 to $54.99.