Strength of the Sword Ultimate Game Release Expansion Announcement

The two-man team at Ivent have made Strength of the Sword Ultimate, “the kind of game you beat instead of finish” after working “in the garage for five years”. Their efforts have already paid off with an initial $14,000 Kickstarter goal met for this “3D fighter vs brawler with old-school vibe”.

Developers “kickstarted” their initial Strength of the Sword Ultimate PlayStation 3 release with this campaign that is still active for stretch goals..

Weapons in this upcoming fighting game feature a flamethrower, shields, rocket launcher, and, of course, a giant sword. Players need to master strategic actions for the swordplay to lay waste to enemies.

Game modes will include a 4-world, 11-stage story mode and a timed survival mode with more planned modes.

Estimated delivery of this PC game (Windows/Mac/Linux) is set for September 2015 with a future version possibly coming to PlayStation Vita ($30,000 stretch goal), Nintendo Wii U ($40,00 stretch goal) and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One ($100,000 stretch goal).

Does this game have the strength to expand?

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