Following the release of iOS 8.2 yesterday by Apple, the question lingering on every jailbreakers mind was simple: Will I be able to jailbreak my device? The current status is: No.
The TaiG jailbreak team claimed in January before the 8.2 Beta was closed by Apple, that they had exploits for 8.2 ready, so everyone assumed that within hours of Apple releasing the update, TaiG would release it. What we do know is the current version of TaiG does NOT work on 8.2. In the meanwhile, there are a few things you may want to know prior to updating to 8.2 if you are on the last version that would allow you to be jailbroken, 8.1.2.
Q: Should I update my jailbroken iPhone to iOS 8.2?
A: Currently there is no jailbreak for iOS 8.2 and there is no ETA for the jailbreak. If you upgrade to iOS 8.2, you will not be able to downgrade to a jailbreakable version of iOS.
Q: Will all my tweaks be compatible with iOS 8.2?
A: It’s too soon to tell which tweaks will be compatible and which ones will need to be updated.
Q: When will the jailbreak be released?
A: There is no word on when a jailbreak tool will be released, so please be patient.
Q: When a jailbreak for iOS 8.2 comes out, should I upgrade from jailbroken iOS 8.1.2 and rejailbreak?
A: It all depends on your preference. It’s generally a good idea to update to the latest version of iOS for the security benefits and features it offers. Not all tweaks will be guaranteed to work immediately on the new version of iOS, so if your daily life relies on a certain tweak that may or may not be updated for iOS 8.2, then you may want to wait until you hear from the developer(s).
You should also know that if you look online and find a “paid jailbreak”, it’s more than likely fake, and you should not spend your hard earned money, because it will not work. No matter what you may read.
What we do know is, 8.2 does patch the HTTPS security scare FREAK aka”Factoring attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys” (Apple related, not jailbreak), which is one of the scariest encryption attacks patched by 8.2, and you can find out more about that by looking here:
In the meantime, any more information we have we will update you.