Launched today, Thingthing is a third-party iOS keyboard that gives a way better user experience for your smartphone. Founded by Olivier Plante, Thingthing takes a completely new spin on bringing access to your most used apps and fully immerses them into your keyboard functionality.
Oliver and Jose wanted to break the cycle of having to open multiple apps to do one particular function, such as checking your calendar for an appointment or having to attach a .pdf document that was saved in the cloud. Switching from app to app is tedious, and there had been no solution to this first-World problem … until now.
Giving you access to cloud apps such as Dropbox and Google Drive, Thingthing makes it effortless and a lot smoother to quickly attach items that you need in a moment’s notice. Thingthing acts as a window to the items most important to you. With the ability to also attach items from your social media such as Facebook or Instagram’s most recently posted photos, that photo from Facebook that a friend needs for their own is right there within your typing keyboard. Outside of social media and cloud services, you can even check your calendar in month form to quickly see what you have going on for each particular day. Other apps that you can use are Pocket and Wunderlist (which will come in a later update), you can attach a link to send to a friend or even a task that you need them to see. Other items available are Flickr and OneDrive.
Accessibility is a good thing to have, and being able to share all of your content is as easy as pulling up your keyboard. With your content all being secure, Thingthing Keyboard (12MB) is currently available for FREE in the App Store and is compatible with iPhones 5 or greater, as well as iPads and iPod touch.