It is incredible how many aspects of our lives are integrated with AI and connectivity. It’s in little ways, like how CarPlay helpfully gives me directions to the same places I go each week, and in significant ways like how AI is being used for contact tracing and tracking COVID-19. All this requires solid hardware to back up all that software, and Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 Development Kit is designed to keep everything running quickly and smoothly.
Basically, Qualcomm is bundling their Qualcomm Cloud 100 software with their Snapdragon 865 platform to handle apps and video, and the Snapdragon X55 Modem-RF System Module for 5G so there’s an all-in-one solution to handle whatever is being thrown at it. Qualcomm says it can handle up to 24 1080p video streams along with 5G connectivity, which has me very worried about AI outpacing humans since there are days I can’t figure out call waiting without losing one of the calls.
In any case, look for speedier connectivity and more powerful on-the-go apps as Qualcomm begins to roll this out to developers! And I, for one, welcome our robot overlords-it’s why I always say thank you to Siri, just in case…
Via Qualcomm