If you were to ask a random group of smartphone users to name a feature that Android has that iOS is lacking, while you’d hear nonsense like ‘open’, you’d also hear one message loud and clear: turn-by-turn navigation with voice support.
For me, this is one of three reasons I am still using Android (the others being physical keyboards and something work-specific). I use my Google Maps navigation everywhere and for everything – and it is awesome. I tried using the navigation built into pre-Mango Windows Phone 7 and it twice tried to tack on 30 minutes with inept guidance … and I haven’t tried it since (maybe Dan or Judie can comment on the current state). As for iOS … well, it might be ‘getting there’ – but it hasn’t arrived.
There are many areas of contention between iOS, Android and Windows Phone, but as of today the navigation system advantage clearly goes to Android. And although I feel the message gets lost a bit in the need Samsung seems to have to personalize the attacks … it is a clever and effective ad.
Ummm, I have voice guidance on my iPhone 4S. Waze, MapQuest…they work great.
Right, but those are apps not native. No doubt when the iPhone 5 comes out and it has native turn-by-turn voice directions they will find some way to make it “brand new” “innovative” or “magical”…
While I find Samsung’s attempt to go after Apple rather lame they do have a point.
I like this little series. I see more as some back and forth industry humor than a direct hardened attack against Apple. Seeing that they are both attempting to sue the pants off the other, I think it’s a lighter side of the battle for Samsung and targeting the “stereotypical” type of Apple customers may be offensive to some but really it’s just a commercial.
My Android love aside, Google Maps/Navigation simply cannot be touched, by any paid or free App on any platform. That’s my opinion of course but really it’s a total package. Add that to complete integration with your Google favorites (places), pre made routes, traffic, latitude, and check in. I think the rest of the standalone map and GPS makers having to play some catch up.
This is not an attack on Apple, it’s an attack on Apple’s customers. It’s moronic and I hope Samsung goes up in flames.
Okay… breath deeply. Just relax and stay away from the sharp implements. It is going to be alright. 🙂
Since I am not a fan of “load as you go” mapping solutions Google Maps/Navigation is still kind of a “fail” in my book so the ad didn’t really appeal to me. I know people who really like Google Navigation, but I still prefer fully on-board maps since you never know what your net singal strength is going to be when you REALLY need the maps. Google Navigate – not high on my wish list. I am very happy with a number of 3rd party apps out there – iGo is great as is Sygic and Navigon (Garmin)!
That said, although the ads are cute, they tend to be a little more “mean spirited” than Apple’s ads were, and so far, I don’t think they’ve been all that efective. Apple’s ads let to growth in sales – I don’t think we’ve seen that with Sammy – yet. If anything, Apples growth over the last quarter combined with the market share drop of Android would seem to indicate the opposite is true, but only time will tell for sure. I wonder if the fact that the ads actually pick on the “customers” rather than the company might be turning possible converts off.
One of the latest ads – the one with the misunderstanding about “camping” actually makes the Samsung user look like kind of a doofus for jumping the gun before he really understands what’s going on. I know it was supposed to poke fun at the “urban campers” but I thought it made the Samsung guy look stupid as well – not terribly efective in my book. Doesn’t make me want to “emulate” him, that’s for sure!