Rush is no stranger to … well, just about anything at this point. Releasing their first album nearly 40 years ago, they have spent the decades remaining faithful to fans, providing some of the best prog-rock accompanied by impressive musicianship that complements without overtaking the songs.
Now they are preparing a new album, ‘Clockwork Angels’ due out on June 12th. To build anticipation, they are streaming “Headlong Flight” for free in a variety of places, including an official version with lyrics streaming on YouTube.
The song will be instantly recognizable to anyone with even passing familiarity with the band: Geddy Lee starts off with romping bass line, soon joined by Alex Lifeson’s dense chords and Neil Peart’s driving rhythm. The structure is complex, syncopated and in a variety of time signatures. Lifeson’s solo is a crazed frenzy of too many notes, but the song never loses focus.
You can pre-order the CD at Amazon for $16.11
Check out the new song!