The Capture Camera Clip v2 camera clip is one of the more unusual camera accessories we have had a chance to review. An update to Peak Design’s original Capture Camera Clip, the Capture Camera Clip v2 lets you keep your DSLR close by — on your belt or backpack strap. And while this might not look like the best way to carry and hold your camera it actually works well. Currently in the initial funding period over on Kickstarter, the initial goal of raising $100,000 has been eclipsed five times over, and there are still three weeks left before the Kickstarter campaign ends. We were sent an early sample of the Capture Camera Clip v2, and we like what we see.
The clip itself is made from aluminum and the entire system feels impressively sturdy.
These diagrams may appear a bit complicated but the idea is actually quite simple. The backplate is composed of two main pieces.
Two clamping bolts hold the plates together. While both can be removed the clips are designed in such a manner that one can be loosened and the plates slid open like a pair of scissors. Once separated the plates can slide over a belt or backpack strap. Sliding them back into the original position closes the plates over the strap.
Tightening the bolts locks everything in place. The materials are sturdy enough that, once secured in place, there is no way the clip is coming off its “host” unless you consciously choose to remove it. That’s where the camera plates then come into place.
In this picture you see the Capture Camera Clip v2 and the ARCAplate. You can also get a standard plate, DUALplate or a MICROplate.
The MICROplate is specifically designed to work with smaller cameras like the Sony NEX line. (Spoiler: I like the Capture Camera Clip v2 enough and want the option to use it with my Sony NEX-6 that I placed an order for the MICROplate the other day.)
In all cases, the plate is attached to the tripod mount on the bottom of the camera and then slid into the middle space on the Capture Camera Clip v2.
From there you can take your camera and slide it into the plate. The small dark area above and to the left of the “pd” is a locking mechanism that holds whichever plate you are using in place. The thumbscrew on the right allows you to do a fine adjustment on the relationship between the clip and the plate and make sure there is as little play between the two as possible.
Here’s my Canon T3i when placed in the Capture Camera Clip v2. It may look a bit awkward but when you actually carry your camera this way it not only works but it works well. It is, however, the small red button on the left side of the clip in this picture that makes the Capture Camera Clip v2 interesting and something you might also was to back. You see, while the camera is held securely in place in this photograph simply depressing the red button releases it and allows you to pull the camera out and up to your eye. It is a far more efficient, and rapid, way to get your camera into position for a picture than, for example, if it is hanging at your side off a shoulder strap. Sure, you’ll look a bit dorky with your camera handing from your belt or backpack shoulder strap, but isn’t getting your shot worth looking a bit weird?
Here’s the Kickstarter demo video so you can get a better sense of what the Capture Camera Clip v2 is all about.
Watch the end of a video to see how Peter Dering, the creator of the Capture Camera Clip, got started. He talks about the fact that the original Capture Camera Clip was a Kickstarter project and then, with feedback from original backers, he updated the design and returned to Kickstarter to fund it. I love the fact that he is so frank as to admit, “V1 was a really good idea… with decent implementation.” Dering’s enthusiasm for this refined update is clear and, after using the product, well-founded.
The Pro version of the backplate even has a tripod mount built into it so you won’t have to choose between using the clip or a tripod.
The Capture Camera Clip v2 is not only a good idea but it is a good idea that actually works well. And the fact that I have been able to see and use one of the early prototypes — the first time I have had that experience with a Kickstarter project — allows me to not only recommend backing this project, but to strongly recommend backing this project. Backing begins at just $50. Check out the project here.
MSRP: Backing with product rewards begins at $50
What I Like: Well-made; Refined design; Does exactly what it sets out to do
What Needs Improvement: It will definitely result in you getting some odd looks
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample
Guys i am a “$185 or more” backer, they delivered only leash and cuff with naked edition of camera clip, now they are saying they have delivered everything, please be wary of these guys, they are yet to deliver Propad and Gopro mount, i lost trust in these guys, please be aware of this bad business practice, you cannot trust them anymore