Several years ago I bought my wife a telescoping arm with camera screw mount at the end, which allowed us to capture pictures of both of us on trips. This was before digital cameras, before smartphones, and the term ”selfie’ came along, making taking these pictures easier. But missing until now was the ability to capture pictures of your butt.
Before getting to the maximus of the gluteus, let’s reflect on the rather sad reality of the selfie:
It is an act as modern as it is narcissistic, perfectly capturing the self-regard of our age. But it is also, some think, a worrying trend that could leave young girls, in particular, with low self-esteem.
Over at Technabob they highlighted the Belfie Stick, noting that it is “is designed to assist you in taking photos of your own butt, in the hopes that you can amass enough Instagram followers to attain a powerless and dubious form of fame.”
Sure, that description is a bit cheeky, but we have to ask ourselves, what kind of ass would deny people the advancements of not having to deal with tricky mirror angles when capturing that perfect butt shot?
I mean, when it comes to taking pictures of your butt, they really should fully capture the ultimate quality of the subject, I cannot lie. And I sure that you guys also cannot deny.
The Belfie is going to sell for $79.99, and according to insider information obtained by Wayne, it will be available in Small, Medium and Large according to the size of the subject.
Head over to BelfieStick to check it out!