WhatsApp have just introduced the ability to connect your phone to a web browser and both receive and send WhatsApp messages via your browser. The first step is to update your WhatsApp messaging application on your phone. Then on the web use a Chrome Browser to navigate to https://web.whatsapp.com.
From there scan a QR code (updated version of WhatsApp on your smartphone required first) which synchronizes whatever is on your WhatsApp display to your Chrome browser.
One big omission — this method of connecting your smartphone to the web won’t work if you are on iOS. Only Android, BlackBerry, Nokia S60, and Windows Phone are supported for now.
My quick tests seem to verify that everything works as expected. I received notification that my contact was typing and Chrome prompted me with an alert for incoming messages. What appears to be missing is the ability to create group messages from the web interface.
Also this approach requires that you have your phone turned on and in service in order to mirror the information that’s displayed.
Via WhatsApp:
To provide you with a richer communication experience, WhatsApp is now accessible both on your phone and your computer. WhatsApp Web is a computer based extension of the WhatsApp account on your phone. The messages you send and receive are fully synced between your phone and your computer, and you can see all messages on both devices. Any action you take on the phone will apply to WhatsApp Web and vice versa. At this time, WhatsApp Web is available only for Android, Windows Phone, Nokia S60, BlackBerry and BB10 smartphones.
WhatsApp Web is not another WhatsApp account. When you use WhatsApp on your computer and your phone, you are simply accessing the same account on these two devices.
There are a few minimum requirements to enjoy WhatsApp Web:
You need to have an active WhatsApp account on your phone.
You need to have a stable internet connection on both your phone and your computer.
You need to use Google Chrome as your web browser. Click here to download Google Chrome onto your computer. (Other browsers are not currently supported).
To get started with WhatsApp Web you must first pair your phone and computer:
Visit web.whatsapp.com on your computer.
Open WhatsApp on your phone and go to Menu > WhatsApp Web.
Scan the QR Code on your computer.
From your phone, navigate to WhatsApp Web to view your Logged in computers or to logout from an active WhatsApp Web session.
NOTE: To avoid data usage charges on your phone, we recommend that you are always connected to Wi-Fi when using WhatsApp Web.
via: WhatsApp