The latest hidden-object puzzle adventure from G5 Entertainment, Game of Dragons follows the path forged by many others, but innovates with a storyline that takes you between parallel worlds, from one reality to another filled with dragons and other fantasy creatures as you discover you’re a princess and work to defeat Simon and rescue the emperor!
Type of app: Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure
Platform/where to buy: iPad (iPhone version here); available in the iTunes App Store
Developer: Tiki’s Lab / G5 Entertainment
Here are some of the features:
- 52 exciting levels to reach
- Nine cleverly crafted mini-games
- Six enigmatic characters to meet
- Two difficulty modes to choose from
- Concept art, wallpapers and a walkthrough
Game of Dragons Major features:
In Game of Dragons you follow the story of Glory Lind, who has never known her father but then mysteriously gets information that sets her on his path. He is the emperor of a parallel world, and Glory uses her one link to her father – a necklace – to create a portal to travel to the land of Newterra, which is filled with fantastic tales and creatures. There she meets her cousin Simon and is put through a test to prove she is a princess.
As it turns out Simon was set to ascend the throne before Glory arrived, and once you are stranded on the Island of Dragons you begin to discover things about Simon and about Newterra that makes it imperative that you quickly solve the puzzles and unlock your inner dragon to stop the nefarious plot before it is too late! Did you appreciate my hackneyed phrasing? Well, let’s just say that the plotting itself doesn’t break any new ground, but it is fun for a few hours.
The puzzles and hidden object scenes are varied and engaging and offer an adequate challenge – and more important they are consistent. There are two difficulty levels, and you can definitely see and feel the difference.
Ease of use/Overall performance: Game of Dragons adheres to the typical genre standards – and as always I appreciate this. It allows you to focus on the story and solving the puzzles. Everything was perfectly functional for me to explore on my iPhone 6 Plus, which is always a good test since many hidden object games are really only playable on the iPad.
One thing I loved was how well the art was done, the rich vibrant colors that marked the breaks between areas and helped with immersion. Between that and the environmental music and sounds, the game does a great job of placing you into Newterra.
Would use again/recommend?: I can definitely recommend Game of Dragons! I enjoyed the story as well as the puzzles and the hidden object scenes. The story is rather predictable and the overall game length of a few hours puts it on the short end for recent releases, but the overall quality makes it worth checking out. The free demo area is generous and lets you determine if you’ll like the game before you need to pay to unlock the rest – so check it out!
Suggested changes/wish list for updates: Nothing.
Price: Free download with in-app purchase of full version for $6.99 for iPad ($4.99 for iPhone)
Here is the trailer: