We’ve been lucky so far, in that our toddler isn’t terribly picky. He’s not a fan of leafy vegetables, but otherwise he happily chows down on everything from burgers to tofu. I worry about what to do when he isn’t so agreeable, though, and luckily a local mom recently wrote a great book on the subject!
Her book, “Kids Won’t Eat Healthy? Quick, Read This Book!” is exactly what you need to learn to cope with picky toddlers. It’s a very quick read, but it’s full of useful tips for both kids and parents. Some of it is common sense, and it may be things you already know, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t helpful to get a refresher.
Here’s a few things I learned and re-learned from the book:
- Getting my son to eat healthy means eating healthy myself too.
- Kids are super adorable little manipulators, especially about eating foods they might not like.
- Broccoli in tacos sounds like a tasty idea AND a cool way to sneak in vegetables.
- It’s ok for a kid to say no to food; it’s getting them to try it that’s important.
We actually wound up using a few of her tips last week. Our son, who is normally agreeable to every food available, attempted to hold out for pasta. We were having soup, not pasta, but he just sat there, pushed his plate away, and declared he wasn’t eating until he got pasta. We went through the usual litany of parental arguments: fine, don’t eat; begging; ignoring. Finally we told him he could be excused IF he ate three big bites of dinner. He heaved a big sigh, pulled his plate close and…ate the whole thing.
There’s no manual to parenting, and what works for one family may not work for another. But it’s always handy to have a reference guide with tips, and “Kids Won’t Eat Healthy” is full of some great ones, plus it’s an easy read!
You can check it out at Amazon for $11.99, and if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free as part of your membership!
Purchased book from the author
What I Liked: Quick read; lots of useful tips; author shares a great deal of knowledge but isn’t preachy.
What Needs Improvement: Nothing.