With news of Apple completely scrapping the headphone jack for the latest iPhone 7, headphone companies are scrambling to put out wireless bluetooth headphones. After reviewing Bragi’s Dash headphones a few months back, I looked forward to how they would step up to the plate with this news.
Bragi, makers of the World’s first official wireless smart hearable announces The Headphone, their second product in the last year, fitting for the new Apple Iphone 7.
“The Headphone is completely wireless, completely free,” said CEO Nikolaj Hviid. “We have heard from many people who wanted an easy-to-use wireless headphone with bangin’ bass, smooth sound and even better battery life.”
Watch the video:
One thing that is a welcome surprise to me, and I’m pretty excited about is the fact that The Headphone will playback up to six hours of audio, which was one of my main gripes about the Bragi Dash.
Speaking of the original Bragi Dash, Bragi has also announced their Bragi OS 2.1, the second major software upgrade to The Dash. It is available for existing and future Bragi product owners and can be found at: http://update.bragi.com. With this update brings four completely new languages that The Dash can use: Chinese, French, German and Spanish. On top of that, the Bragi Dash now works with Google Fit and Apple Health Kit.
Other features in Bragi 2.1 include Touch Lock, which prevents inadvertent gestures from impacting the Dash, Shuffle for the internal music player, and an on-demand heart rate tracker.
As of today, you can actually preorder The Headphone by Bragi at a special price of $119 (normal retail of $149). For more details head over to Bragi!