
Bragi Announces Wireless Headphones Ahead of Apple’s iPhone 7 Launch

With news of Apple completely scrapping the headphone jack for the latest iPhone 7, headphone companies are scrambling to put out wireless bluetooth headphones. After reviewing Bragi’s Dash headphones a few months back, I looked forward to how they would step up to the plate with this news. Bragi, makers of the World’s first official wireless smart hearable announces The Headphone, their second product in the last year, fitting for the new Apple Iphone 7. “The Headphone is completely wireless, completely free,” said CEO Nikolaj Hviid. “We have heard from many people who wanted an easy-to-use wireless headphone with bangin’…

The Bragi Dash Is Only Fast at One Thing: Dying

Typically when you spend $299 on a pair of earphones, you’re expecting quality, but you’re also expecting some flaws. Well, that’s exactly the case with the Bragi Dash. So let’s get right into it. I originally backed the Bragi Dash February 23rd, 2014 after scouring Kickstarter for $199 (early bird pricing) with expectations of getting them in January 2015 (no really, there’s screenshots): I finally received them February 12th, 2016 after much delay and plenty of Twitter and emailed excuses. It’s something I should’ve expected after being a backer of “Coin”, which most people know wasn’t the most successful launch…