Withings OMNIA Is a Revolutionary Health Tracker Concept That Redefines Wellness with AI and Telemedicine

It’s impossible these days to disconnect technology from your health. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes that just makes you feel like the confused lady in that meme, with information everywhere and no idea whether something is an emergency, totally normal, or just “bodies are weird, I guess.” Withings has spent years trying to connect people with a better understanding of their health, and the conceptual Withings OMNIA hints at where things could be going!

Eli Health Hormometer Will Make Hormone Testing Without Needles Accessible to Everyone for Just $8/Month!

Hormones are an incredibly important part of our overall body chemistry. Whether assessing fertility, determining why you’re tired, or even trying to understand bone health, hormones are often the solution. The problem is that figuring out hormone levels usually involves blood tests, needles, and appointments—major hassles and obstacles. The new Eli Health Hormometer will make monitoring hormones as easy as monitoring blood sugar.

Timekettle BabelOS and W4 Pro AI Interpreter Earbuds Offer Revolutionary AI Translation That Connects 40+ Languages Instantly

One of the most utopian concepts in science fiction is the idea that two species who speak different languages can easily communicate due to the magic of universal translators. Whether it’s just “universal translators” like on Star Trek or the literal Babelfish from Hitchhiker’s Guide, it feels like a futuristic concept. Timekettle is bringing the future to today with BabelOS and the W4 Pro AI Interpreter Earbuds!

Personalize Your Space with the Govee Gaming Pixel Light, Mini Panel Lights, and Table Lamp 2 Pro x Sound by JBL

Govee is bringing vibrant energy to your home with innovative lighting solutions designed to transform your space into a personalized oasis of light and sound. The new products, including the Govee Gaming Pixel Light, Mini Panel Lights, and Table Lamp 2 Pro x Sound by JBL, show how lighting can go beyond functionality to enhance every aspect of daily life. Govee’s concept, “Bring Color to Daily Life,” emphasizes lighting’s power to foster connection, creativity, and enjoyment in your home.

Hisense HT Saturn Wireless Home Theater System Will Transform Your Home with Wireless Cinema-Quality Sound

Hisense has taken the concept of home entertainment to new heights with the Hisense HT Saturn Wireless Home Theater System. Perfect for anyone with a love for big-screen TVs, blockbuster movie marathons, intense gaming sessions, or vibing out to their favorite playlists, this system combines high-end sound tech with user-friendly features to turn your living room into an immersive entertainment hub.

Transform Your Living Room with the Hisense L9Q TriChroma Laser TV: Big Screens, Brilliant Colors, and Immersive Sound

The Hisense L9Q TriChroma Laser TV wants to redefine what it means to have a home theater, offering a viewing experience that feels more like your favorite local cinema without sticky floors or overpriced popcorn. Whether creating a cozy movie corner or turning your living room into the ultimate game day hotspot, this Laser TV can handle it all—and look good while doing it!

Experience Gaming Innovation with the LG UltraGear OLED Bendable Gaming Monitor—a 45″ 5K2K Powerhouse

There’s no denying that LG knows how to make a gorgeous screen. Whether iit’s a monitor or a television, you know you’re in for a visual treat if LG is on the label. LG is especially innovative in the monitor space, where it is diving headfirst into the specific needs of gamers with its UltraGear GX9 series. The single most exciting part of the new lineup is the LG UltraGear OLED Bendable Gaming Monitor. Yes, a bendable monitor!

You Won’t Have to Fear Needles Anymore with the FlowBeams BoldJet Needle-Free Injector

Want to know the best way to get otherwise tough grown adults to freak out? Ask them how they feel about needles. Even if injections don’t bother you, they’re generally not a fun experience. That’s where the FlowBeams BoldJet comes in; it channels Star Trek with its new needle-free injection device. If you’re wondering how a needle-free injection works, the answer is lasers. Specifically, what FlowBeams says is “laser-induced cavitation,” which sounds slightly terrifying. However, FlowBeams says the process is minimally invasive and not painful, and probably not in the same way your childhood doctor said it wouldn’t hurt right…

120″ AWOL Vision Vanish Laser TV Turns Any Room into a Stunning Home Theater

I’ve long wanted a home theater system but never wanted to go to the expense and trouble of having a technician come and install a ceiling projector and dropdown ceiling screen; it just wasn’t in the cards. The all-in-one 120″ AWOL Vision Vanish Laser TV eliminates the need to install anything. When I recently experienced this system, which was also shown at CES this year and won a “Best of” award from us, it blew my mind.

Mophie Brings Portable Power to Your Daily Arsenal

Once, at a CES several years ago, a member of the Gear Diary team had something unthinkable happen — she ran out of battery on her phone. Yes, we obviously had access to wall chargers, but running out of juice on the go was still a major issue. No one understands the importance of not losing power like our friends at mophie, and they’ve got some new power solutions to ensure it doesn’t happen to you! First, mophie is bringing back its iconic juice pack for the iPhone 15, 15 Pro, and 15 Pro Max. It’ll retail for $99.95 and…

Garmin Recognizes Women Need Devices That Work as Hard as They Do!

Garmin is synonymous with excellence in GPS tracking for athletic activities. But also, when most people think of Garmin, they think of big, chunky running watches. It’s safe to say that most GPS watches aren’t designed for aesthetics first, but Garmin has some cool ideas up their (sweat-wicking) sleeves to make fitness tracking a lot more comfortable. First of all, if you’re someone who has ever had to wear a support garment under their shirt, you’ll know that chest straps can often get in the way of sports bras. Garmin is trying to solve that with the HRM-Fit. It’s designed…

GPS Tracking Moves to the Next Level with Tack GPS Plus

GPS tracking has swiftly gone from a vaguely creepy concept that gets joked about to something that is legitimately improving people’s lives. Tack GPS Plus is a multipurpose GPS tracker that can use AI smart power to stretch up to 30 days between charges and even pinpoint elevation changes.