We had a sneak peek of Pocket Informant HD for iPad back in June. It… is… awesome!
At the time we thought the app would be released within a week or so but it took a while longer. Well it is finally live in the App Store and right now it is 1/2 price. That’s means it is just $6.99.
Grab it HERE. Seriously, I’ve had it for over a month and it rocks!
Thanks for the heads up Travis (Now, stop bugging me about when it is coming!) 🙂
RT @geardiary: Pocket Informant HD for iPad Now Available #Apple iPad Applications http://bit.ly/buwPYT
RT @GearDiarySite: Pocket Informant HD for iPad Now Available http://goo.gl/fb/fU4hs
RT @GearDiarySite: Pocket Informant HD for iPad Now Available http://goo.gl/fb/fU4hs
Pocket Informant HD for iPad Now Available | Gear Diary – http://goo.gl/IbcT
Pocket Informant HD for iPad Now Available http://bit.ly/c0AbFE