Last night Kevin and I watched the lunar eclipse. It was cold but clear outside as we watched the earth’s shadow pass over the moon, and I was able to snap a few photos with my Canon G11. I didn’t have a special lens attachment, I wasn’t using a tripod, these aren’t going to win any awards, and I sure wish that I had planned ahead and got a camera mount for our telescope … but even so, we had a lot of fun watching our fully moonlit yard go dramatically black.
How about you? Did you catch the eclipse? Were you able to take any pictures?
Yes, I got a few shots using my old Lumix 5MP camera and a tripod (before the clouds rolled in). Looked about as good as your eclipse-06.jpg. I also tried using our newer Canon SD4000 IS, but got poor results. Gotta say, 12x optical zoom beats digital zoom.