Redbox Raises Prices by 20%

Redbox Raises Prices by 20%

Redbox has raised their prices, but it’s unlikely they’ll receive the ire from customers that Netflix did! First of all, prices are going from $1.00 to a $1.20. It just sounds more exciting to point out that it’s 20%. Second, Redbox is easing the price increase for existing customers with a grace period of $1.00 for the month of November.

Sarah and I tried Redbox for the first time last weekend, and it was a smooth experience. We spontaneously decided to see if “Bridesmaids” was available at our local Redbox kiosk; I signed up online, and we tried to rent it the next day when we were grocery shopping. Sadly, they only had Blu-ray, so we rented “Cedar Rapids” instead. The movie was not so great, but Redbox was awesome! I was very impressed that I received an email when we checked the DVD out, and again when Sarah dropped it off the next day, plus they followed up with a coupon for a free rental to get us to use the service again. So for a total of $1.07, plus the small amount of gas Sarah used to go back and drop off the DVD, we enjoyed a nice movie night. Even at $1.20, it’s significantly cheaper to rent a one-off DVD through Redbox than to pay $7.99 to Netflix!

Here’s the full Redbox email explaining the price increase, and let us know in the comments if you’ve taken advantage of Redbox!

Redbox is making an announcement about its prices today, and we want to make sure that you hear it from us first.

Starting on Monday, October 31, the daily rental charge for DVDs will change to $1.20 a day.* The price change is due to rising operating expenses, including new increases in debit card fees. Daily rental charges for Blu-ray™ Discs and video games won’t change.** Additional-day charges for DVDs rented before 10/31 won’t be affected, either.

In order to make the transition easier, Redbox will discount the first day of all online DVD rentals to $1.00 from 10/31 through 11/30. Additional rental days will be $1.20.***

If you have any questions, please visit There, we’ve provided additional information.

This marks our first price change in more than eight years as we work hard to keep prices low for our customers.

Thank you,


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About the Author

Zek has been a gadget fiend for a long time, going back to their first PDA (a Palm M100). They quickly went from researching what PDA to buy to following tech news closely and keeping up with the latest and greatest stuff. They love writing about ebooks because they combine their two favorite activities; reading anything and everything, and talking about fun new tech toys. What could be better?

2 Comments on "Redbox Raises Prices by 20%"

  1. We love Redbox.  If you look around, there are tons of codes around for free rentals.  Even with the increase, we’ll still use them.  Redbox is a prime reason I switched Netflix to stream only.  Whatever we want to watch movie wise that isn’t on Netflix is at the Redbox.

  2. After trying redbox once I am hooked! It was super easy. And I love that it is pay per use, since we barely use DVDs anymore.

    It is interesting how movie rentals have changed. It used to be blockbuster was cheaper than the movies, then Netflix was a better deal than blockbuster, and now redbox is a better deal than Netflix. And in the process we have gone full circle: physical place to rent, mail order, physical place to rent….

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