There’s nothing worse than looking at your utility bill in the summer, and realizing that the bill is high because you’ve been running your air conditioning more than you usually do courtesy of high temperatures. Luckily the team at Air Conditioner Lab has the perfect solution to stay cool no matter if you’re in your house, your backyard, or on the go.
Introducing the Zero Breeze 2.0, a portable solution to cooling down your environment. Perfect for that backyard cookout, or even to take to that three day festival this summer, the Zero Breeze 2.0 is lighter than most portable fans and air conditioners at 14 pounds, making it easy to transport around. I personally think that it would be awesome to use at the pool on an extremely warm day. The company states that the portable air conditioner can go down to 15 degrees cooler than the ambient temperature, which might even be great for tents and outdoor adventures.
Easily the smallest portable air conditioner in the world, the super early price of the air conditioner without battery is $499, with battery is $789. You can find out more information about the Zero Breeze 2.0 from their IndieGogo campaign today.