In case you weren’t aware, in March, Qualcomm set up a program called Snapdragon Insiders. It all kicked off with a simple video done by Christiano R. Amon, the President and (at the time) CEO-Elect of Qualcomm. Amon promised access to Qualcomm experts, the latest updates from Snapdragon, and tech-reader collaborations. Months have passed; Amon is now the CEO of Qualcomm, and the Snapdragon Insiders program now has 1.6 million members. To celebrate, today they are announcing their first Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders that utilizes the best Snapdragon has to offer in a mobile experience.
Here’s that first teaser video Amon did, in case you were curious.
Over the past few months, Snapdragon Insiders have been treated to deep-dives into the latest and greatest from Snapdragon, like this video with Juan Bagnell and Sarah McMurray, a Qualcomm Senior Manager of Product Marketing, discussing and explaining Snapdragon Sound.
Or this video with the popular photographer, Ryan Resatka, who offered a tutorial on mobile photography.
What’s left? Just the tech-reader collaborations we were promised. And now it is happening, with the new Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders, a special edition smartphone made by ASUS.
It’s being called a “first of its kind curated collection of Snapdragon experiences.”
Are you ready for this? Here are some of the new Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders specifications; it appears to be among the best of the best, especially for those who want to enjoy the full Snapdragon experience:
- A 144Hz OLED Display, protected with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus
- A triple camera module for wide, ultra-wide, and telephoto image capture that features a Qualcomm Spectra580 Image Signal Processor, triple 14-bit Computer Vision-ISP, 2.7 Gigapixels per second, AI auto-zoom, and 8K and 4K video capture
- Dual stereo audio speakers with multiple Snapdragon Sound Technology playback profiles (music, videos, games, and voice enhancements).
- 4 microphone input
- Audio High Dynamic Range features for recording
- Snapdragon Elite Gaming
- Qualcomm® Game Quick Touch – which increases responsiveness up to 20%
- True 10-bit HDR color depth for ultra-realistic graphics
- Richer and larger worlds with Variable Rate Shading (VRS)
- 24-bit, 96kHz music streaming and ultra-low-latency for lag-free wireless gaming
- Super wideband voice for true to life audio when making calls
- 512GB storage + 16GB RAM
- Stock Android 11 (no bloatware!)
- One of the first smartphones to ship with Snapdragon Sound technology
- The most comprehensive support for all key 5G sub-6 and mmWavebands and combinations in a single device
- And just for fun, an illuminated Snapdragon fireball icon on the phone’s back
Want to see the full specs of the new Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders? Here you go! (.pdf download)
But wait, there’s more!
The Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders will come with everything you need to enjoy the experience of using this enhanced device; these perks include:
- A set of Master & Dynamic MW08SI Active Noise-Cancelling True Wireless Earphones (!!), which feature true high-resolution 24-bit 96kHz audio? quality, ultra-low latency Bluetooth streaming, Qualcomm Active Noise Cancellation, Qualcomm cVc echo cancellation & noise suppression, robust connectivity in busy RF environments, and powered by the Qualcomm QCC5141 low power Bluetooth Audio SoC
- A Qualcomm Quick Charge 5 Technology (65W) Charger
- A custom rubber bumper with reinforced edge protection & anti-slip feature
- Type-C to Type C cable (1.2m) and Type-C to Type-A Cable (0.5m) with enhanced braided cables
The complete package of everything a Snapdragon Insider needs to get the full experience in a modern smartphone will be available by August for $1499.