Goal Zero

Goal Zero Yeti 500X Review: Portable Emergency Power When You Need It

Earlier this year, there was a massive power crisis in Texas that came as a result of severe winter storms, leaving over 4.5 million homes and businesses without power, many for several days. This inspired me to have a backup source of power for our home, should something similar ever happen. Fortuitously, I was offered a Goal Zero Yeti 500X for review, and we now have a solid solution. Released last year, the Goal Zero Yeti 500X is a mid-sized rechargeable portable power station that looks much more modern that the gas-guzzling generator my mom had that would power much…

Goal Zero SHERPA 100PD Power Bank Review: It Saved the Day When the Power Was Out

A storm some weeks ago left us in the cold, literally. We had no idea how long the power would be out, but my wife and I still needed to work. Thankfully, we’d been sent the Goal Zero Sherpa 100PD Power Bank and Yeti 200X Portable Power Station for us to check out; these power sources kept our phones, tablets, and computers going until our electricity returned.

Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC Power Pack: Redesigned and Ready to Power

Are you looking for a high-capacity battery pack that can charge your laptop, tablet, DSLR camera, phone, and almost anything else you might carry? Take a look at the redesigned Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC Power Pack. It has two USB Type-C ports, 2 USB Type-A ports, an AC outlet, wireless charging, and it includes all the cables you might need!

GoalZero Venture 30 and Nomad 7 Take You and Your Devices Off the Grid

A goal of nothing – zip, zilch…zero. Quite ambitious, don’t you think? That is mantra over at GoalZero – getting the world off the grid and relying on absolutely no fossil fuels or infrastructure for electrical sustainability. Recently I got to test a small part of their mission in the form of the Venture 30 Recharger complete with Nomad 7 solar panel.

Goal Zero Switch 10 Multi-tool Kit Review

I have become a huge fan of solar technology. Since I spend considerable time in the outdoors off-grid, solar products allow me to keep my devices connected. I have several solar products and jumped at the chance to review the Goal Zero Switch 10 Mutli-tool Kit. The $119.95 kit is an all-in-one solution for a pack or on the go. 

Goal Zero Yeti Generators Are Ready for Your Next Disaster!

We’ve covered some of Goal Zero’s smaller hand-cranked solar devices, which are great in emergencies, but there are times when you need stronger power generation that can possibly even keep your fridge running! Goal Zero Yeti generators come in multiple sizes, and they can be left plugged in until needed — or they can be recharged from solar when TSHTF!

Goal Zero Torch 250 USB Power Hub and Flashlight Review: A Smarter Light

I seem to have been on a disaster-prep kick lately, and that’s a good thing considering that unforeseen events can happen at any time. It’s smart to plan ahead, be prepared, and keep gear that can power itself and other devices ready for when it’s needed. The latest tool in my arsenal is the Goal Zero Torch 250 Flashlight.

Goal Zero Helps You Do ‘Real’ Camping Without Giving Up Your Gadgets!

My wife and I love to go camping … our boys, not so much. And when I say camping, I am not referring to an RV with TV and microwave and air conditioning! I mean a tent. One of my memories from tenting with our boys last fall was the ‘tech huddle’ in the public bathroom. There were four outlets, and all of the teens would go hang out to charge up their stuff in the evenings. So I was intrigued when I saw the Goal Zero Katabatic solar powered tent over at Wired. The tent is being sold through…

Goal Zero’s Two New Solar Recharging Kits Shine at Outdoor Retailer

It seems like the recent coverage of “preppers” has brought alternative power sources into the mainstream. I have been extremely interested in solar power lately, but not because of some impending zombie apocalypse. With the upcoming hurricane season approaching, most gulf coast residents at least think of their plans if a storm does arrive. While I am usually far enough inland to be able to ride out these storms, one major concern is electricity. Solar power with batteries can allow my family some comforts and even save some food if we are without power for a few days. I also…