I’ve had a few cats and none of them seemed terribly fond of playing dress up. I can only imagine the fun you’d have trying to fit kitty into an emergency evacuation vest in the midst of fire, flood or other natural hazard. Seems like a portable pet carrier might do just as well. This emergency pet vest offers:
* Japan Firefighting Association-certified flame-retardant jacket
* Materials: polyester (base cloth), polyurethane (outer shell), fireproof acrylic (lining)
* Heavy-duty carry handle, and double-duty strap/leash
* Pet supplies: food bowl, muzzle, hermetically sealed odor control bag (for any items distressing the pet), protective rain hood and rubber booties, freezer gel paks (to control heat), bell, waterproof ID capsule with blank paper
* Human/pet supplies: 50mL sealed water packs for drinking or disinfecting, nutrition bars, bandages, aromatic oil (for calming panic), first-aid gloves, mini-radio, emergency whistle
* Number of water packs and energy bars vary; see size chart for details
* Manual: Japanese, but self-explanatory
Japan Trend Shop via OhGizmo!