Behold… the first game that combines the three elements necessary to help make you feel awesome: heroism, indestructibility, and giant octopi (and fuzzy pandas)!!!
The world is doomed. Pollution levels are rising, trees are endangered, and industrialization is past the limit of sustainability. You are the world’s only hope.
You. Are. The. Destructopus.
Yes you are the only one who can save our planet. Along the way you will upgrade your abilities and unlock new powers. How do you do it? Simple, you just save the trees, exterminate pollution, and protect our forest friends. Oh, and OF COURSE you’ll need to fight a few giant bulldozers and mechanical dinosaurs!
Sounds like the perfect destruction game, eh?
Destructopus comes from GlitchSoft, the company behind the games BarStar and BarStar HD.
Release Date: Tuesday, May 3rd
OMG.. I just got this game the other day and it’s really awesome!!!