Zinio Interviews Judie! (And Dan!)

Zinio Interviews Judie! (And Dan!)

Zinio recently introduced their Zinio Magazine Minute. In it “Notable figures in magazine publishing and technology share their thoughts exclusively with Zinio. Explore their favorite articles, magazines, and find out what inspires them.”

They reached out to Judie and me and interviewed us both. Judie’s interview is already live and I thought I would share it with you. (If you want to see it on the Zinio page click here.)


Question: What recent article(s) on Zinio had the most impact on you?

Answer: National Geographic, June 2011 – “Too young to wed, the secret world of child brides

Smithsonian Magazine, January 2011 – “A Plague of Pigs

Knowledge, Mar/Apr 2012 – The evolution special, “Last Man Standing

Question: Which magazines do you have in your Zinio library?

Answer: I have subscriptions to National Geographic Interactive, Smithsonian, Science, Science Illustrated, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Rolling Stone, Juxtapoz, Outside, Braintainment, Mental Floss, Beer Connoisseur, Texas Monthly, Knowledge, The Explorer’s Journal, Cosmo (my guilty secret), and a few random HGTV issues for decorating ideas.

Question: What is your favorite Zinio feature?

Answer: My father saved National Geographic magazines on his bookshelves when I was a child. They took up a lot of room, and they were the only magazine he was able to “collect” because of the amount of space involved to do so, but that’s not to say that he wouldn’t have collected others if space hadn’t been an issue. I can now read and later reference to *all* of my subscriptions on my laptop, or I can carry them with me on my iPad. The embedded live-links and portability of all this data makes Zinio editions a no-brainer for me.

Question: What are the hottest topics that you think will be featured in magazines in 2012?

Answer: All things political, as we head into the US presidential elections. But I will most likely continue to seek out articles that educate me on diversity, how things work, and why things are the way they are.

Update by Judie:  Dan’s Interview just went live, as well. You can read his by clicking here! He is much more eloquent than I was. =)

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About the Author

Dan Cohen
Having a father who was heavily involved in early laser and fiber-optical research, Dan grew up surrounded by technology and gadgets. Dan’s father brought home one of the very first video games when he was young and Dan remembers seeing a “pre-release” touchtone phone. (When he asked his father what the “#” and “*” buttons were his dad said, “Some day, far in the future, we’ll have some use for them.”) Technology seemed to be in Dan’s blood but at some point he took a different path and ended up in the clergy. His passion for technology and gadgets never left him. Dan is married to Raina Goldberg who is also an avid user of Apple products. They live in New Jersey with their golden doodle Nava.

2 Comments on "Zinio Interviews Judie! (And Dan!)"

  1. Going to the Derby, Judie? 😉

    Congrats, Dan & Judie!
    My maternal grandfather used to have a huge collection of National Geographics from the 50s up to the present at the time. It was great visiting and spending a lot of time reading about different places and cultures around the world. He really enjoyed gadgets, and it’s a shame he passed away just before the internet and mobile tech took off. It’s also a shame that the Great Depression happened when it did for him…he was studying engineering, coming from a large and prosperous farm family in Nebraska. When the banks failed, his family lost most of their fortune and he dropped out of school to help his family on their farm. He was quite a character, roaring about the West on his motorcycle in the 30s, doing cowboy work, logging, paper mill work and a few other odd jobs before settling down in Oregon to retire comfortably. It was always a lot of fun to visit. He would have loved mobile phones and computers, and it’s hard to say where he would have wound up had he been able to finish his engineering degree. Sorry…just reminiscing there. 😉

  2. Ha! This pic was taken in Greece, and I was glad fo the hat — the sun there was brutal, and we were headed to the beach. 😉

    That was an awesome story about your grandfather!!

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