Skip The iPhone 6 Wait – Order Online and Pick Up at the Apple Store

Do you have an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6+ on backorder, but it’s not due for delivery for a week or two? Here’s a secret  – use the Apple website to order  online. When you get to the checkout page use the “Available for pickup” link on the right side to see whether your local Apple store has the device in stock.

Apple stores restock on a daily basis, and it’s very possible your local store received a shipment to replenish inventory. Sure you’re going to wait an hour or two in a shorter line – but at least it’s not going to be Halloween before you get your iPhone 6.

Skip The iPhone 6 Wait - Order Online and Pickup at the Apple Store


Your local Apple store is constantly receiving new inventory. If they’re out of stock today – check back in 4 hours or first thing in the morning.

The Apple website will even allow you to purchase a full price iPhone if you are not yet eligible for an upgrade (you will have to enter your carrier account information – phone, zip, last four digits of your social).

Skip The iPhone 6 Wait - Order Online and Pickup at the Apple Store

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About the Author

Wayne Schulz
Wayne is a diehard Android user and consultant specializing in Sage 100 ERP Accounting Software. He lives in Glastonbury CT with his two children. When not helping them with their homework or pushing the latest school fundraiser off on his co-workers, he is active hiking and investigating all manner of technology.

2 Comments on "Skip The iPhone 6 Wait – Order Online and Pick Up at the Apple Store"

  1. Thanks Wayne- this post just cut my wait time for an iPhone 6+ from a month to one hour.

  2. Nothing available within a 4+ hour drive for me (nearest store is 1.5 hours anyway 🙂 ) … but I love this as a work-around.

    Interesting aside – if I try to order, right by the end it says ‘to keep your unlimited, you must buy a full-price phone from an Apple Retail Store’. 🙂

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