Leka Robot is a smart toy that is set on “changing the way children with developmental disorders learn, play and progress.” Today they are revealing their latest breakthrough in product development: autonomous features.
The autonomous features, achieved with Leka’s new fully integrated sensors, demonstrate how children can engage with the robotic toy independently, making it more humanlike and interactive in nature. The robots responsiveness aims to help children better understand social cues and improve their interpersonal skills. Leka will also unveil its updated iOS mobile app with Bluetooth connectivity, and four educational applications. The applications can be used as multiplayer activities, with parents, therapists, and siblings, to motivate social interaction, or as autonomous activities, to help a child play on his or her own, fostering confidence and independence. The industrial-grade prototype also includes full motor integration, vibration and color capabilities, an induction charger and the digital screen.
Prior to their Indiegogo campaign, Leka spent “two years in development using an evidence-based approach, validating its progress through testing and the scientific community. The robotic smart toy and child’s newest companion offers fun and educational games that engage the child’s motor, cognitive and emotional skills. Leka’s capability and predictable natural can stimulate a child’s senses to engage children and nurture greater, more efficient progress.”
To learn more about Leka, click here.