X-Mini makes some really functional and really small speakers which are meant to be used with your multimedia devices.
The company was kind enough to send over a both their X-Mini II & X-Mini Max II for review.
Do these tiny speakers pack enough punch to rock out too?
Read on to find out.
X-Mini II
The X-Mini II is a single capsule speaker with an integrated 3.5″” jack which you can plug into your media device, such as an iPod, to listen to music.
The specifications on the speaker are as follows:
-Size – 60mm x 60mm x 44m
-Weight – 83g
-Loudspeaker Output – 2.5W
-Rating Power 2.0W
-Frequency Response – 100Hz – 20Khz
-Playback Time – 11 hours
-Battery Charge Time – 2.5 hours
The X-Mini II starts off small but it expands like an accordion when you’re ready to use it.
When what you want to expand the speaker you simply twist and pull.
The built in battery is rechargeable via the included mini USB cable. Once fully charged the speaker’s battery lasts up to 11 hours.
Once powered on a bright LED lets you know the speaker is working.
The speaker has its own volume control in the form of a sliding wheel on the side.
The X-Mini is a very versatile speaker. You can easily plug it directly into your Mp3 player for mono playback. Or you can purchase more than one speaker and daisy chain them together via the built in 3.5″ cord.
The X-Mini II also includes a handy carrying pouch.
I found the little speaker to be quite loud when testing it with my iPod Shuffle, Ipod Touch, iPod Classic and iPhone 3Gs. With the volume cranked to the highest level on both devices the speaker threw out some serious volume. Half volume was plenty for normal every day listening.
Probably most impressive was when I hooked the speaker up to my daughter’s iPod Shuffle and made her a mini HiFi. Her immediate response was “ooohhhh, can I have it!”
The X-Mini II is available from Amazon.com for $29.99
X-Mini Max II
If you want stereo sound right out of the box but also want a small package the X-Mini Max II might be the right choice.
The specifications on these speakers are as follows:
-Size – 65.8mm×53.4 mm (closed resonator)
-Weight – 178g
-Loudspeaker Output – 2.5W x
-Rating Power 2.0W
-Frequency Response – 200Hz – 18Khz
-Playback Time – 12 hours
-Battery Charge Time – 2.5 hours
The X-Mini Max II is also neat and compact. Both halves of the speakers lock together via a hidden magnet.
When you’re ready to use them you simply pull the two speakers apart.
It comes with a mini USB cable for charging but the cable has two mini ends so you can charge both speakers at the same time. Once fully charged the speakers are good for 12 hours of continuous music playback.
The speakers also pop out and expand when you’re ready to use them.
The speakers also come with a white carrying pouch that makes transporting them easy.
Like its little cousin the X-Mini II, the X-Mini Max II performed excellent with all of my Mp3 players. But it was the iPod Shuffle that wowed me the most.
Notice above, each speaker has it’s own independent LED indicator as well as its own power button. The volume control for these speakers is done through a controller built right into the cable.
You can also daisy chain the Mini Max II together to create even more sound with multiple speakers.
As impressed by the sound output that I was by the X-Mini I was even more impressed by the X-Mini Max II. These things rocked! Easily portable, long battery life and decent sound levels make these speakers perfect for toting. around in your gear bag.
The X-Mini Max II are available in white, red and black from Amazon.com for $49.98
M.S.R.P. – $29.99 for the X-Mini II & $49.96 for the X-Mini Max II
What I like – small, portable, loud, can be daisy chained, amazing sound for little price.
What I don’t like – Mini II is mono only.
@unlimitedcase I reviewed that! http://bit.ly/bvJe8Q